MEET KRISS (they/she/he)

My Story
As a meticulous Type A nightmare and definite foreseer of the future, the one thing I never predicted for myself (or planned) was how I’d launch my journalism career: with music writing. Even as I wrote for, edited and led UT-Austin’s only music magazine, and DJ’d at our local radio station, I still thought my start would be in traditional print news or something of the 'casting variety. (Broad or pod, take your pick.)
Little did I know that a Music Journalism elective would land me not only an internship with my college town’s revered alt news-weekly the Austin Chronicle, but my first published clip-slash-cover story and job as a writer. In a matter of weeks, I went from prepping embed links and recommending the occasional concert to tirelessly reviewing live shows and profiling budding artists of the 512. After my stint as an Editorial Intern, I continued writing for the paper until the following year. While at the Chronicle, my combined love for music and storytelling amounted to dozens of bylines highlighting and reviewing Austin’s rising stars, unraveling the core of the local arts community, and localizing government legislation stories. I even served as the Music section’s columnist in June 2023.
While penning this bio between sales shifts at the optical chain, I eagerly await my next venture. Although my door into the industry may be ‘unconventional’ to some, my experiences at the Austin Chronicle and my alma mater’s student media orgs have shaped me into a seasoned writer and curious mind ready to discover and report the unknown. And whatever skills I lack? I’m willing to learn them along the way.

My Mission
My number one goal as a journalist is to continuously uplift marginalized voices through my writing and reporting. Successfully achieving and maintaining this representation means starting from the root, with a storyteller who has access to these various communities. There are so many amazing and important narratives, just inches from the media's reach, waiting to be told. I am determined to bridge that gap with care, compassion, and authenticity.